Convert JSON to csv in C#

Convert JSON to csv in C#

  • Given users.json as the json file
using (var csv = new ChoCSVWriter("users.csv").WithFirstLineHeader())
   using (var json = new ChoJSONReader("users.json") 
      .WithField("Sub", jsonPath: "$.Attributes[?(@.Name == 'sub')].Value", isArray: true)
      .WithField("EmailVerified", jsonPath: "$.Attributes[?(@.Name == 'email_verified')].Value", isArray: true)
      .WithField("GivenName", jsonPath: "$.Attributes[?(@.Name == 'given_name')].Value", isArray: true)
      .WithField("FamilyName", jsonPath: "$.Attributes[?(@.Name == 'family_name')].Value", isArray: true)
      .WithField("Email", jsonPath: "$.Attributes[?(@.Name == 'email')].Value", isArray: true)

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