How to connect to SQL database from Lambda using Nodejs

To connect to SQL database from lambda, I am using Nuget package ‘mssql’.

For this, I have created a serverless application using Nodejs 16.x.

To connect to SQL database from lambda, I am using Nuget package ‘mssql’.

In your serverless application, install mssql like below –

npm install mssql


I am using Typescript and DBConfig used above is just an interface.
Also replace all the config with your database credentials.

import sql from "mssql";

const config : DBConfig = {
 user: ${process.env.DB_USER},
 password: ${process.env.DB_PASSWORD},
 server: ${process.env.DB_SERVER},
 database: ${process.env.DATABASE},
 options: {
  trustServerCertificate: true,

export const run = async () => {
 try {
  await sql.connect(config);
  const result = await sql.query`Select * from [TableName]`;
  var result = result.recordset;
catch (err) {
 console.error("Error:", err);
 return {
  statusCode: 500,
  body: JSON.stringify({
  message: "Error accessing the database.",
  error: err,

Please note that the RDS and lambda should be in same VPC settings. If while running lambda, you get a timeout error, do verify the VPC settings for both RDS and lambda. If they are in different VPC, then you have to do further settings. Please refer to AWS documentation for that.

Also make sure the IAM role in lambda should have permission to access RDS

Refer to this if you are looking to send an email with attachment from lambda.

Convert JSON to csv in C#

Convert JSON to csv in C#

  • Given users.json as the json file
using (var csv = new ChoCSVWriter("users.csv").WithFirstLineHeader())
   using (var json = new ChoJSONReader("users.json") 
      .WithField("Sub", jsonPath: "$.Attributes[?(@.Name == 'sub')].Value", isArray: true)
      .WithField("EmailVerified", jsonPath: "$.Attributes[?(@.Name == 'email_verified')].Value", isArray: true)
      .WithField("GivenName", jsonPath: "$.Attributes[?(@.Name == 'given_name')].Value", isArray: true)
      .WithField("FamilyName", jsonPath: "$.Attributes[?(@.Name == 'family_name')].Value", isArray: true)
      .WithField("Email", jsonPath: "$.Attributes[?(@.Name == 'email')].Value", isArray: true)

Convert PHP script to JavaScript

Convert PHP script to JavaScript

  • Add the “base-reality/php-to-javascript”: “>=0.0.3” to your project’s composer.json file:

    “require”:{ “base-reality/php-to-javascript”: “0.1.16” }

    Or the latest tagged version. The dev master should only be used for development, not production.\
  • Include the Composer SPL autoload file in your project: require_once(‘../vendor/autoload.php’);

    Call the converter:
 $phpToJavascript = new PHPToJavascript\PHPToJavascript();
   $phpToJavascript->addFromFile($inputFilename); $jsOutput =

$jsOutput will now contain an auto-generated Javascript version of the PHP source file.

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